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He runs hand through Spanish beauty's hair
INTIMATE: He runs hand through Spanish beauty's hair

HUG OF LOVE: Elen giggles as the couple get close

LAMPS BEHIND YOU: They smooch by light in street

OUTSIDE WHIRL: Elen and her man share a public kiss
With hunk going into Sanderson hotel
WE'VE AR-RIVE-D: With hunk going into Sanderson hotel

DOOMED: Lampard with Elen before split


FRANK Lampard's ex has taken revenge on the football star's cheating by publicly flaunting a new hunk.

Elen Rives snogged the man - named today as Stevenage footballer Lawrie Wilson - in the middle of a busy street.

Then they spent the night together at a London hotel. Smouldering pictures of them together will devastate soccer hero Frank Lampard.

They show his ex-fiancée Elen Rives passionately snogging and caressing the hunk - before spending the night with him at a hotel.

The very public display of affection happened last Sunday,


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